The adhesive secretion covering the buds of horse-chestnut trees is highly fascinating! This PSA-like material remains sticky throughout the period of bud development (~10 months) while withstanding weathering, radiation and biotic impacts. We studied the adhesion and chemistry of the secretion - published now in Scientific Reports.


How vegetable oil affect spider and preda-tory mite eggs, and how the knowledge about the interfacial mechanisms can advance biocontrol, is now published in the first outcome by our 'Japanese-German Oily Connection' together with Ass. Prof. Dr. Takeshi Suzuki & his team @ TUAT

Enjoy reading the article and the Japanese Press Release!

About 15 years after starting our first work on morpho-mechano aspects of Southern Green Stinkbug-plant interactions, we are highly honoured that our article in Entomological Science is awarded by the Entomological Society of Japan.  - どうもありがとうございます!